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If you need support or have an accessibility requirement
If you need support or have an accessibility requirement

Whether you're going through a life event or need something different to make our service is accessible to you, we're here to help

Written by Megan
Updated over 2 months ago

We’re committed to making sure you have whatever you need to apply for and manage a mortgage with us.

But we can only tailor our service if you tell us what you need.

We'll never tell anyone anything that you disclose to us in confidence.

Telling us you need support

There are many circumstances that might mean you could benefit from a little extra support.

This could include:

  • something physical, like becoming seriously ill,

  • life events, like suddenly taking on new caring responsibilities or splitting up with your partner,

  • something circumstantial, like a big expense that means making your mortgage payments may not be possible, or

  • not feeling super confident in your financial literacy skills.

Anything that makes you feel like you're not totally equipped to make the best decisions for yourself and your mortgage is worth considering telling us about.

We will never tell anyone else about anything you disclose to us, and we will only record that you've asked us for support if you give us express permission to do so.

We'll work with you collaboratively to define how we can best support you to make sure you feel confident and informed about your mortgage at all times.

Telling us about an accessibility requirement

We all interact with the world in different ways, and if you have accessibility requirements, we're happy to tailor our service to make sure you're getting what you need.

This might include:

  • A preference for communication by email or post if you're hard of hearing,

  • Large print letters or braille if this helps you read better, or

  • Appointing someone else – a "third party" – to talk with us on your behalf.

Again, we'll never tell anyone about any accessibility requirements you share with us.

If you're applying for a mortgage with us or already have one, and you'd like to tell us that you'd like some extra support or that you have an accessibility requirement, please reach out:

We'd love to hear from you.

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